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A high-quality building access system will enhance the security of your sites.

This guide to will show you how to ensure the safety of your revenue-generating equipment.

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The Basics of Security Door Access Control Systems

If you have mission-critical equipment located at remote sites, protecting your network is probably very important for you. However, safeguarding your sites goes beyond protecting your network from hackers.

There's also the physical site security to take into consideration. After all, if your equipment gets stolen that will affect your operations and bottom line as well. So, the first step is to guarantee that unauthorized people don't gain access to your facility. And that starts with an access control solution.

Door access control is a matter of who, where, and when. An Access Control System determines who is allowed to enter or exit, where they are allowed to exit or enter, and when they are allowed to enter or exit. This means that it is the best type of access control you can get to guarantee the physical security of your remote sites and the security of your system equipment.

Let's take a look at the access control basics.

Mechanical Locks and Keys Are Not Enough

Access door systems are partially done through keys and locks. When a door is locked only someone with a key can gain entry through the door depending on how the lock is set up. Mechanical locks and keys might work well as domestic access control systems, but they are not the best fit for remote facilities because they do not limit the key holder to specific times or dates.

These types of door access control systems do not provide records of the key used on any specific door and the keys can be easily copied or transferred to an unauthorized person. When a mechanical key is lost or the key holder is no longer authorized to use the protected area, the locks must be re-keyed to maintain business security.

Being able to revoke access is probably the most important aspect of security differentiation between mechanical and electronic door access systems. Any homeowner that wants to grant or revoke access to different people must have to choose between permanently trusting those people once the keys are returned or replacing/rekeying the locks in order to maintain security. For electronic keys, the choice to revoke keys is simplified and far more likely. This makes it the security advantage to stand out in favor of electronic locks.

Secure Access Door Control Systems

Electronic central door and access systems use computers to solve the limitations of mechanical locks and keys. A wide range of methods can be used to replace mechanical keys. You can use a swipe card, a password entered on a keypad, key fobs, or even bio-metric scanning to open your doors.

The main objective of a multi-door access control system is to give quick and convenient access to authorized people into your remote sites, while also preventing the access of unauthorized people.

ecu keypad and card security system
Entry Control Units available with keypad, smart card access system, or both.

An IP based RTU (remote telemetry unit) at a single door grants access based on the credential presented. The decision can be made locally by the door unit, remotely by a central management system or cooperatively by sharing login profiles and access requests. These RTUs are deployed in each of your sites where you need to restrict access.

The central management system is the brain of your access control system. This door access control software serves as the main database and file manager and it is responsible for recording your system's activity, as well as for distributing information to and from RTUs.

When access is granted, the door is unlocked for a set time and the event is logged. When access is refused, the door remains locked and the attempted access is recorded. The system will also monitor the door and alarm if the door is forced open or held open too long after being unlocked.

Deploying an Advanced Building Access System is Easy

In today's environment, whether you're running a small business or a giant corporation, it's more important than ever to deploy IP based access control for your business.

Easy to install centralized management software, user-level permissions, detailed logging & advanced notifications are all tools that will combat theft and vandalism.

A high-quality access door lock system will enhance the security of your sites. We've put together a guide that will show you how to ensure the safety of your revenue-generating equipment.

PDF Download the free How to Deploy an Advanced Building Access System White Paper Here.

Why Door Access Card Systems Are a Must

With DPS' IP based door access control system, and an electronic keypad or a proximity card access door lock (with security cards for doors and card readers), your access manager has ultimate configuration over door control, access control, and a record of who was trying to access what doors, and when.

Never again will you have to drive out to a site just to let a contractor in. Simply create an access code for them and let them do their job. Set a date and time limit for the code and they will only be able to use their code when they are supposed to.

Exit buttons are also available for times when you need to let someone into a site but don't have time to hang around for them to complete their task. When they need to leave, they push a button from the inside of the building that unlocks the door so they can leave without needing any key cards to lock up afterward.

Reach out to us today and learn cost-effective ways to protect your network and revenue-generating gear.