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Electronic Locks: The Key To Building Security

Building access systems and the people who monitor them are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the building when it comes to securing the contents. With the use of devices such as electronic access points, security cameras, and motion detectors, security personell are able to keep an eye on the comings and goings of employees, customers, and potential intruders. The one place where many people over-look is the actual locking mechanisms. Without proper accesibility devices, the best design for a BAS is left crippled. Electronic locks present a new solution to several problems faced by everyone.

  • What happens when you lose a key?
  • In the event of employee separation, how do you ensure they will not be able to still have access?
  • Are your doors susceptible to picking or bumping?

One of the biggest concerns for those who operate a business is a loss of profits. Locksmiths are expensive, especially when they are called out for an emergency rekeying. If an employee were to misplace a key ring, the entire site security would become compromised if those keys fell into the wrong hands. With the use of electronic locks and a suitable monitoring system, you may soon be able to rid yourself of the mess of keys that most facilities require. From unique access codes and user-definable limits, electronic locking systems are a great way to augment security measures already in place.

In the event of an employee separation, either voluntarily or through termination, being able to maintain the security of your sites is imperative. In the event that the employee was a keyholder and the keys themselves are not returned, this could present a dangerous situation. Maybe they were honestly misplaced, they could've been stolen, or maybe the former employee has a malicious intent for them. Regardless of the reasons for them not being returned, and without placing any blame, you must still ensure that nothing happens to violate your security protocols. With the incorporation of these devices, you can be reassured that with the quick change of parameters, that employees personal access rights can be removed.

One of the biggest issues lately with mechanical locks are the advancements in methods to gain access. With how easy it is now for a person of ill-intent to learn how to pick a lock, or with the use of a special tool designed to "bump" them, many facilities relying on analog devices are put at risk. There are many styles of electronic locking mechanisms out there.

  • Electric deadbolts that lock/unlock with a password.
  • Door strike plates with an actuated mechanism that allows standard locks to still be used as a part of a larger BAS.
  • Electromagnetic locks are a way of increasing locking security through a brute force.

If your job involves maintaining the system of security, it would be worth further investigation into the opportunities that electronic locks provide.