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Make T/Mon SLIM Your TL1 Gateway

Are you running 2 masters to monitor your TL1 & SNMP equipment? If you are, then you're probably generating a lot of unnecessary expense.

Avoidable Expense Generated by Separate TL1 and SNMP Masters:
  • Hiring extra staff to monitor extra screens
  • Training operators on multiple monitoring systems
  • Training and paying technicians to maintain multiple monitoring systems
  • Maintaining two platforms creates double-redundancy of maintainance agreements
  • Costs associated with having multiple vendors
  • No "standard procedure" for alarm processing reduces monitoring effectiveness
  • No interaction between systems requires extra staff training

Is your monitoring split between SNMP and TL1 masters? If it is, you don't have centralized, single-screen alarm visibility. You're hiring and training more operators than you need to, and you're increasing your risk of missing an alarm.

TL1 Master BeforeSNMP Manager Before
Running separate SNMP and TL1 masters splits your monitoring onto 2 screens, forcing you to hire, train, and pay additional operators.

T/Mon SLIM Bridges the Gap Between SNMP and TL1 Equipment to Bring All Your Alarms onto One Screen

SNMP Manager After
T/Mon SLIM integrates your
SNMP and TL1 alarms into
a single, cohesive monitoring

Because T/Mon SLIM supports SNMP, TL1, and over 25 other protocols, it is the perfect TL1 gateway for your SNMP manager. You can replace your existing TL1 master with T/Mon SLIM and mediate your TL1 alarms as SNMP traps to your SNMP manager. Now you have centralized, single-screen visibility of your entire network, regardless of protocol.

"Currently we have three core sites but there are new elements being deployed almost every month and we're continuing to grow. DPS allows compatibility with future products and the visibility we need to properly manage them."

- Warren Stringham
Utah InterLinx

Alternative Application: Mediate SNMP Traps to Your TL1 Master If you currently prefer the user-interface and functionality of your TL1 master, T/Mon SLIM can also be used to mediate alarms from SNMP equipment to your TL1 master. You'll be able to see all of your alarms on the single screen of your existing TL1 master

TL1 Master After

T/Mon SLIM Can Become Your Top-Level Master T/Mon SLIM makes a great TL1 gateway, but it is also an excellent top-level master for smaller-footprint networks. After working with it firsthand, you just might want to eliminate your SNMP and TL1 masters and send all of your alarms directly to T/Mon SLIM.

With T/Mon SLIM, You Benefit From These Powerful Features:

  • Support for over 25 protocols
  • Remotely access alarms via web browser
  • Send automatic pager and email notifications to technicians in the field
  • Maintain alarm history logs
  • Setup user-level security restrictions
  • Setup powerful derived alarms and controls to automatically recognize and respond to complex network threats

An Upgrade Path to T/Mon NOC Prepares You For Future Network Growth The T/Mon SLIM gives your growth for up to 64 devices. If you find your network is exceeding this threshold, upgrading powerful T/Mon NOC will allow your monitoring to grow along with your network. T/Mon NOC supports 1,000,000 alarm points and thousands of devices. And, with the DPS T/Mon upgrade program, you can receive a discount on your upgrade to T/Mon NOC.