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Build the Perfect NOC For Your Network

Your Network Operations Center (NOC) is the heart of your network actions. If your NOC doesn't have the right equipment, you can't even begin to do your job well. You need the most advanced monitoring gear to provide you with detailed real-time alarm data from remote sites. You also need a custom monitoring system that was designed to meet your unique needs.

Network downtime is not an option for telecommunications service providers. You need a system that can collect all your alarms from all your remote sites, sort them into different severity levels, and send notifications to technicians, quickly dispatching them to where your most critical events are occurring.

You don't want to find yourself in a situation where it's too late and you wish you had implemented the best equipment to maximize your network uptime.

For maximum visibility of your network, your NOC personnel must have access to all of the following capabilities.

  • Power failure monitoring.
  • Environmental monitoring.
  • Root cause analysis.
  • Problem alerts for your key personnel.
  • Escalating notifications that are forwarded to supervisors after user-defined time limits.
  • Printable history reporting.

The only way to obtain these capabilities in your NOC is to deploy an advanced alarm monitoring system. These systems will provide you with important alarm alerts, while also tracking alarm histories to help you tackle the source of frequently occurring problems.

These metrics will help you keep on top of the issues that might cripple your services and ultimately cause your outages.

Why do I need alarm monitoring in my NOC?

Alarm monitoring is an integral component of your NOC. Without it, you won't know about problems in your network until it's too late, and by that time your customers have already lost service (and a good deal of patience with your service levels).

A good alarm monitoring system provides staff in your NOC with all of the important info they need about problems throughout your network. NOC staff will be able to look at this alarm info in a variety of ways, enabling them to dispatch technicians to your various remote sites.

What are the components of my NOC's alarm monitoring system?

To deploy the most effective alarm monitoring system for your NOC, you need advanced remote telemetry units (RTU's), as well as a modern alarm master. The most advanced gear will provide you will the best alarm collection and reporting.

The RTU's job is to handle the alarm collection portion of your network monitoring. These remotes can monitor a number of devices at a remote site. After collecting an alarm, these remotes will then report the data to the alarm master in your NOC, providing your staff with important details about the problem. This alarm will be displayed within your NOC, as well as in emails or pages to your appropriate network technicians.

Your alarm master is the core of your NOC. It aggregates alarms from remotes and gear across the network, notifying NOC personnel and field technicians of all problems that arise. NOC operators can specify how the alarm master displays this information, customizing their system to make their Network Operations Center as efficient as possible.

T/Mon NOC Provides the Alarm Master Functions You Need.

T/Mon NOC is an alarm master that provides you with the visibility you need of your vital operations. With T/Mon NOC, you won't be left wondering what is going on in your network. Instead, you'll be able to view the status of your whole network of devices, right from your NOC. With a high-quality master in place, your NOC will provide your staff with all of the important applications they need to be successful.

With T/Mon NOC, you can monitor your network of devices with a variety of methods.

With T/Mon NOC, you'll have a number of options for accessing alarm alerts, including email and pager alerts. With the single window browser view, you'll be able to view the status of your entire network at once right in your NOC. You can even define your own criteria for grouping of alarms, allowing your NOC personnel to view alarms by severity, geographic location, and more.

T/Mon NOC also helps you to make sure your network recovers quickly after an issue. T/Mon provides for escalating alerts, informing increasingly high-level staff if technicians don't clear or acknowledge alarms in a timely manner. T/Mon NOC also filters out your nuisance alarms to silence unimportant recurring alarms. This keeps your NOC personnel from being conditioned to ignore alarms, which can be a recipe for disaster.

T/Mon NOC Provides You with Analysis of Historical Alarm Trends.

Your Network Operating Center isn't just important for spotting and responding to problems as they occur. Your NOC should also serve a preventative function, by collecting incoming alarm data and trending it over time. Using T/Mon NOC's browser interface, you will be able to do just that. T/Mon keeps logs of all of your incoming alarms, enabling your NOC staff to quickly run reports and generate graphical representations of trends to identify trouble spots in your network.

T/Mon provides you with alarm analysis functions to eliminate recurring problems within your network.

T/Mon NOC Gives You the Peace of Mind You Deserve.

To efficiently manage your network operations, you need a NOC with advanced alarm monitoring capabilities. To get the functionality you need to provide the visibility you absolutely must have, deploy a T/Mon NOC alarm master. You deserve to enjoy peace of mind and know that your alarming is taken care of, so don't wait until an easily preventable problem festers into a major outage. Deploy a T/Mon NOC and increase your network reliability today.

The T/Mon NOC Alarm Master is a functional device that has stood the test of time. It is a one-stop-shop that collects all your alarms from your remote sites and allows you to promptly notify your technicians, dispatching them where you need them the most. Any amount of network downtime can cost you greatly. That's why you need a state-of-the-art Alarm Master for your Network Operations Center.