Hands-on training in network alarm monitoring, taught by professional engineers.
DPS Telecom Factory Training is a fast, intense, 4-day crash course on the essentials of network alarm monitoring. You'll learn real-world telemetry fundamentals - knowledge that will save you hours of work and make your monitoring much more effective.
"This training is worth a lot more because it's taught by
the people who actually work with the system,
not some corporate trainer."
-Larry Hamilton,
U.S. Telepacific
Personal Instruction in a Friendly Atmosphere
Anyone who's attended a DPS Factory Training Event will tell you it's not like any other training course. Here's the difference:
- Personal instruction in small classes: Classes are capped at nine people, so your instructor can focus on you. If you want to spend more time on a topic, your instructor or a DPS engineer will be happy to meet with you in a one-on-one breakout session.
- Learn from engineers with real-world experience: Your DPS instructors are skilled engineers who have worked on DPS product design and field implementations. They know your equipment and how you use it.
- Work hands-on with real-world equipment: At a DPS Factory Training Event, you'll work directly with the equipment - and you'll get the unique know-how that only comes with personal experience.
- Complete access to DPS Telecom: You'll talk to the engineers who design DPS equipment, tour the factory where it's built, and see the latest DPS products. If you've got a suggestion on how we can improve our products or services, we'll listen to you - and act to meet your needs.
- Friendly, welcoming atmosphere: The entire DPS staff will make you feel welcome. Hosted lunches and dinners will give you a chance to casually unwind with your classmates. You'll be able to share telemetry tips and experiences, and you'll get to know people you can relate to. Come to Fresno a day or two early and you can explore the splendors of nearby Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks
- Free tuition: If you're a qualified telecom professional, there's no charge to attend a DPS Telecom Factory Training Event - that's a $475 value. Call 1-800-622-3314 or go to www.dpstelecom/com/training and secure your place today - classes are small and they fill up quickly.