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This guidebook has been created to give you the information you need to successfully implement SNMP-based alarm monitoring in your network.

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Incorporating SNMP and Non-SNMP Network Elements

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Tmon noc system
Fig. 1. With support for over 20 protocols, T/Mon NOC can monitor all your network equipment.

Create a MOM System Incorporating SNMP and Non-SNMP Network Elements


  • Need to monitor both SNMP and non-SNMP equipment.
  • Need to consolidate monitoring of legacy and modern networks.
  • Inherited mixed collection of mutually incompatible equipment from predecessors.
  • Inherited incompatible alarm systems from merger/acquisition of another company.


T/Mon NOC consolidates all your equipment, regardless of protocol or manufacturer, to one platform, giving you a single-screen view of all your network equipment. T/Mon NOC supports over 20 different protocols, including SNMP, TL1, TABS, TBOS and many proprietary protocols. (For a full list, see Appendix).

Because of its support for multiple protocols, T/Mon NOC can monitor hundreds of different devices. For every protocol it supports, T/Mon NOC supports every device that uses that protocol - and you're not charged extra probe fees for supporting multiple devices. It doesn't matter what the size of your integration issue is. Whether you have a few incompatible systems, or you need to consolidate two entirely separate networks, T/Mon NOC will give you a seamless view of all your equipment.

T/Mon NOC can serve as both an alarm collector and alarm forwarder. Alarms within your local area can be collected to your T/Mon NOC using any of T/Mon's supported input protocols. You have real-time visibility of all your equipment, giving you the power to proactively monitor your remote sites and correct problems early.

While collecting alarms at the local level, the T/Mon NOC will simultaneously forward your alarms in SNMP (or in TL1, ASCII, TABS, TBOS or other output protocols) to your central regional NOC. From the regional NOC's point of view, it's no different than if the local alarms had been sent directly.

Another advantage of this setup is that you can selectively filter which alarms will be forwarded to the regional NOC. You can have an alarm for everything you need to see locally, down to very granular detail, without overwhelming the regional NOC with a cascade of alarms.

Next Page: Create a Local NOC
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