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DPS Telecom Blog

Implementing an Effective Remote Tower Management System

Smoke swirls slowly from the top of a cell phone tower, almost like a pleasant chimney outlined against the slate-gray sky. Within a few minutes, though, the entire tower is ablaze, dark black smoke pouring into the sky, as first responders debate how to put it out. The electrical units at ground level are sparking and flaming, and determining how to end it is not easy....

Andrew Erickson
October 24, 2019

How to Prevent Copper Wire Theft with Remote Control

Industries including telecom, oil and gas, and railroads all rely on remote, unmanned facilities to perform daily operations. As unmanned stations, these facilities allow companies to accomplish their objectives. They're necessarily unstaffed, as no company can afford to pay the high costs of staffing numerous, far-flung outposts. Unfortunately, this coin has two sides. Without staff on-site, these facilities are vulnerable to copper wire theft. Copper wire...

Andrew Erickson
October 22, 2019

Remote Terminal Unit Manufacturers: The Ultimate Guide

If you ever want to hear a lot of crickets, ask a room full of engineers if they like having a partial solution. Ask a crowd of technicians if they enjoy not having all the right tools for the job. You'll be met with a nearly profound silence. That is if it isn't drowned out by laughter. We all know that a partial solution is no...

Andrew Erickson
October 17, 2019

2020-2021 Guide for Remote Monitoring of Industrial Equipment

Machinery and equipment are the core of modern industrial operations - without them, there is no operation. When machinery works as designed, products are made; when it doesn't, they're not. Operating budgets and company profitability are based on an anticipated amount of uptime per piece of machinery. So, improving maintenance reliability increases machine uptime percentages, while safeguarding revenue. Conversely, the over-dedication of maintenance resources to industrial machinery can...

Andrew Erickson
October 15, 2019

Choose The Best BACnet Controller

Are you working on the installation of building automation equipment, such as controllers for HVAC, lighting control systems, fire alarm systems, or security systems? If so, it's probable that you've heard about...

Morgana Siggins
October 15, 2019

Best Managed Switch

Managed switches can play an essential role in your overall network health. But, do you know enough about them to make the right decisions? As a monitoring and control solutions manufacturer, we are specialists in...

Morgana Siggins
October 11, 2019

Using Oil and Gas Monitoring Equipment for Your Remote Sites

Anyone who has ever walked on an oil or gas field in Oklahoma or North Dakota knows that there are extremes at play. Baking heat and searing wind can quickly be replaced by extreme cold and frigid, thick snowfalls. You may also deal with extreme remoteness - the hundreds and thousands of fields spread out over the country are in hard-to-reach and often wildly inhospitable areas. And yet,...

Andrew Erickson
October 10, 2019

Systemizing Communication Protocol: Automation Strategies for Industrial Environments

With the rise of the Internet of Things and the coming age of 5G connectivity, much thought and investment has gone into developing communications networks within industrial settings. As more and more data is collected, industry managers can make more informed decisions. This will improve maintenance schedules, production yields, and future best practices. Realistically, however, not every piece of equipment speaks the same language. Many different...

Andrew Erickson
October 8, 2019

Security Risks from Doors Propped Open

Your remote sites are vulnerable. This is especially true if you have an isolated and unmanned site with unsupervised workers coming and going all the time and propping open doors - because they might end up forgetting to...

Morgana Siggins
October 8, 2019

Best Network Telemetry Tools for the Healthcare Industry

A hospital or healthcare facility is often a place where people can least afford to have things go wrong, and they're places where just about anything can go wrong. From security to temperature to communications, the healthcare industry has a million moving parts that have to run smoothly. It can be literally a matter of life and death. That's why the healthcare industry has a vested...

Andrew Erickson
October 3, 2019

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