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DPS Telecom Blog

Critical SCADA Applications for Efficient Railway Systems

Railway systems are large and complex networks of networks. Many different component systems, including human, mechanical, electrical, and telecommunications infrastructure, must operate reliably and simultaneously. When errors occur in any of these areas - a defect in the track, an overheated generator, or a damaged microwave transmitter - the entire composite railway network is affected. A single, small problem can multiply into serious service interruptions or accidents. This potentially results...

Andrew Erickson
June 18, 2019

The Best Remote Terminal Units for Utility Companies on the Market Today

Is a Maserati coupe the best car? Maybe. Is a Maserati coupe the best car for a family of six? Maybe not. "Best" is a relative term, defined by its category. What is best for one is not necessarily best for all. What's best for you, or best for your company depends exclusively on you or your utility's needs, not the needs of other organizations. There is...

Andrew Erickson
June 14, 2019

The Best Network Uptime Monitoring Tools to Increase Reliability

On a normal day, yourServing GPRS Support Node (SGSN)is working fine. IP packets are being transmitted, and your customers are happily using the internet. But today's not a normal day - the node goes down. Service for all the business contracts you have goes down. For your company, that's bad news. And it gets more frustrating when Service Level Agreements (SLAs) come into play. If the amount of downtime...

Andrew Erickson
June 11, 2019

How Do You Get Your Remote Monitoring Gear Installed?

You've been researching the best vendors and the best devices, and now you're getting prepared to actually buy your remote monitoring gear - or might have even already bought it. However, there's usually one...

Morgana Siggins
June 7, 2019

Top 3 RTU Open Protocols

In a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, there is a lot of communication between master stations and RTUs. An RTU accepts commands from master stations to operate control points, set analog...

Morgana Siggins
June 7, 2019

What's the Average Lifespan of an RTU?

The lifespan of an RTU is the economic life of the unit, or how long it will continue in its original service application. Most people would agree that a 'good' system should last a certain amount of time. Each...

Morgana Siggins
June 4, 2019

Top 5 Security Features of an RTU

Mission-critical data flows through your network. In today's world, the threat of cyber attacks is greater than it ever was. Every element in your network has to have protection to keep people out of where they...

Morgana Siggins
June 4, 2019

9 SCADA Alarm Management Best Practices That Will Improve Your ROI

There's no room in business for the unknown when revenue is on the line. When your day-to-day operations impact the daily lives of your community, and people are counting on you to have 100% uptime, the last thing you want to see in a meeting is shrugged shoulders. You have to know which equipment may be on the brink of breaking down, or if someone has hacked into...

Andrew Erickson
June 4, 2019

3 SNMP Network Monitoring Tools to Manage Widespread Infrastructure

Modern telecommunications networks, both largeandsmall, invest in SNMP, or simple network monitoring protocol, effectively streamlining what was once an arduous, time-consuming - and expensive - process. Using SNMP, companies can monitor each of their widespread physical locations in real-time. This helps generate remarkable cost savings through preventative and appropriate maintenance and repair responses aimed at achieving 100% uptime. Although SNMP devices dostreamlinealarm monitoring, without the right tools, implementing the protocol may...

Andrew Erickson
May 30, 2019

How To Buy Remote Monitoring Directly From The Manufacturer

Regardless of your industry, remote monitoring is something that's vital to safeguard your operations, so you need to get monitoring devices from somewhere. Broadly speaking, your two most common options are to...

Morgana Siggins
May 28, 2019

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