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Success Stories - Case Studies of Real Clients, Real Business, Real Success

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Telecom Service Providers

CT Communications Prepares For T/Mon Deployment at Factory Training
CT Communications is an independent telephone company located in Urbana, Ohio, centered between Columbus and Dayton. CT strives to offer their clients the latest and most advanced services. When Central Office Technician Glenn Gregg needed to modernize his alarm monitoring to keep CT ahead of the competition, he turned to DPS Telecom. Read ahead to learn how they prepared to deploy their modern monitoring system at DPS Factory Training.

All West Communications Eliminates Costly & Dangerous Windshield Time
All West Communications has been serving Utah customers since 1912. With microwave sites at 10,000-foot elevations, poor monitoring means expensive and dangerous snowmobile trips. After participating in a DPS Web Demonstration, All West invested in a T/Mon NOC, a fleet of NetGuardians, and SiteCAM integrated surveillance. Learn how increased network visibility is eliminating unnecessary site visits and accelerating repair actions.

Comporium Communications Maximizes Alarm Visibility with Industry-Leading Tech Support
When a hardware failure threatened to leave Comporium Communications customers without vital communication services, the DPS Tech Support team knew they had to react quickly. They delivered an advance replacement unit across the country in less than 24 hours. Learn how DPS Tech Support can protect your mission-critical actions with industry-leading response times.

SAIC Protects Mission-Critical IT Services With Advanced Alarm Monitoring
SAIC is a leading systems, solutions, and technical services company that is currently managing outsourced corporate IT services for Entergy. When legacy monitoring gear wasn't getting the job done, SAIC turned to DPS for the solution. Learn how a redundant pair of T/Mon NOCs and NetGuardian RTUs form a winning combo for network reliability at SAIC.

NEC 21SV Support Revives Chuck Wood's Legacy Remote Monitoring System
What do you do when you're building new sites and you can't get new RTUs? That was Cingular engineer Chuck Wood's problem when his NEC 21SV remotes were discontinued. Wood thought he faced a difficult choice between a forklift swapout of the NEC 21SVs or running two incompatible systems, but instead he found a DPS Telecom legacy support option.

National Grid Protects Service Reliability with T/Mon, NetGuardians, and KDAs
National Grid, one of the world's largest utilities, is protecting revenue-generating service reliability with a DPS alarm monitoring solution. From NetGuardians to KDAs to a sophisticated multi-T/Mon architecture, see how this company has recognized the need to safeguard its valuable network infrastructure. Also, learn how attending DPS Factory Training helped seasoned T/Mon users take their monitoring to the next level.

Startec Global Achieves Reliable Monitoring With Top-Notch Support and Training
Startec Global Communications provides innovative, affordable, convenient, and easy-to-use telephone, Internet, and, communications services. When monitoring failures and horrible tech support caused problems at Startec, they began searching for a new monitoring system. Find out how the T/Mon NOC, backed by factory training and excellent tech support, allowed Startec to safeguard its network reliability.

Range Telephone Cooperative Uses Third-Party T/Mon Monitoring Service
Local exchange carrier Range Telephone Cooperative has leveraged a combo of its NetGuardian remotes and third-party alarm management provider VisioNet's T/Mon NOC to enhance its network visibility. After seeing the T/Mon SLIM at a DPS Factory Training event, Range also recognizes the potential to take its monitoring to the next level.

Consolidated Communications Finds the Perfect Fit
Voice, data, and video services provider Consolidated Communications is enhancing its monitoring with a custom-engineered DPS remote. NetGuardians have already protected Consolidated's network during times of natural disaster, and the versatile new NetGuardian 216T provides FrameRelay/T1 support.

Telecom Papua New Guinea Grows Revenue by Improving Network Monitoring
Telikom PNG, the national telecom company of Papua New Guinea, is building a new nationwide monitoring network that will integrate its existing legacy systems. Recognizing the importance of high-quality network monitoring, Telikom PNG is cutting costs and growing revenue. T/Mon's support for a lot of protocols allowed them to integrate two separate monitoring systems and avoid replacing their existing remotes. They were also able to greatly improve network visibility and reliability while reducing costly visits to remote sites.

UnoTelos Keeps Alarm Monitoring in the Forefront of Nigeria's Rapid Growth
Having over 30 years of experience in the energy and telecommunications sectors in Nigeria, UnoTelos is helping its clients position themselves for sustained competition. With rapidly growing networks, UnoTelos is at the forefront, providing key insight about the importance of network alarm monitoring.

Utah InterLinx Finds The Visibility They Need With The T/Mon SLIM
For Utah InterLinx, a Competitive Access Provider in a rural market, an affordable network monitoring solution seemed hard to find. Most of the products they looked at just didn't address the needs of a smaller network and the ones that did failed to offer the level of visibility they were seeking. Then they found the T/Mon SLIM.

Norlight Slashes Service Restoration Time with Strategic Alarm Planning
When Norlight needed an alarm monitoring upgrade, the company formed a Strategic Alarm Committee that included senior directors. The result was upper-management buy-in, a long-term alarming plan, a successful alarm upgrade and improved repair actions.

Triple Play Provider EastLink Manages Rapid Growth with T/Mon NOC
Video, data and voice provider EastLink's rapid growth and diverse mix of new technology was creating a huge network monitoring challenge. Today EastLink is tacking the challenge and winning with T/Mon NOC.

3 Rivers Pounces on Fiber Cuts Using ASCII Alarm Processing
When an overenthusiastic backhoe operator cut a major fiber line, Rick Jacobson of 3 Rivers Telephone knew about the problem almost immediately and was able to fix it fast - thanks to T/Mon's ASCII Alarm Processor.

Baca Valley Telephone Cuts Monster Windshield Time with Alarm Monitoring
Baca Valley Telephone of Des Moines, NM, had a small windshield time problem involving a mountaintop that's only reachable by Sno-Cat. General manager Paul Briesh explains how he's replaced expensive drive time with cost-effective alarm monitoring.

Northwest Communications Cooperative Purchases DPS Telecom Equipment
NCC of Ray, N.D., is expanding service, speeding troubleshooting, reducing windshield time, and improving uptime and customer service, with the help of the T/Mon Remote Alarm Monitoring System.

If You Can Monitor This, You Can Monitor Anything
Ted Van Tuyl of Click! Network created a unique monitoring application that converts LEDs to contact closures, using DPS gear - and it immediately paid off by preventing two vital equipment failures.

Building a New Monitoring Network with the NetGuardian 832A
If you were building an international long-distance network from the ground up, what kind of alarm monitoring would you choose? Andrew Melton of NOS Communications chose the NetGuardian 832A.

UBTA-UBET Makes One-Step Upgrade from E2A to SNMP
When independent telco UBTA-UBET took over 3 Qwest exchanges, it inherited a stack of legacy E2A gear. T/Mon provided an upgrade path from legacy to SNMP.

Paul Bunyan Telephone takes a proactive step to improve remote monitoring by installing an IAM-5 and NetGuardian remotes
Before he came to DPS factory training, Derek Willis didn't know what his IAM-5 could do. In fact, he didn't think it could do very much. But factory training showed him the IAM-5's full capabilities, and now he's excited about using what he's learned to improve his company's remote monitoring.

"Low voltage and no alarms caused major switch damage we could have prevented ... I was sold on alarming after that"
When he started as a central office tech, Kevin Arthur wasn't impressed with network monitoring. But he changed his mind after unmonitored low voltages destroyed several $5,000 switch cards.

Triangle Communications Boosts Network Reliability with In-House Monitoring
Triangle Communication System Inc. is a cooperative cable television service, in-touch long distance, ISP and cellular service provider, based out of Havre, Montana. Triangle covers 17,000 subscribers over a mostly rural geographical area of Montana from the Canadian to Wyoming borders.

KMC Telecom Saves $2 Million Per Year by Bringing Monitoring In House
Why pay someone to do something you can do yourself? That was the question KMC Telecom, a fast-growing integrated provider of voice, data, and Internet services, asked itself ...

ARCOM Relies on DPS Telecom for Customized Legacy Interface Solutions
ARCOM Telecom is a supplier of telecommunications and data networking gear to service providers and end users of large enterprise networks. Their services include design/implementation engineering, gear staging/installation, and material coordination (logistics). Located in Dartmouth, N.S. Canada, ARCOM also provides custom cable assemblies and integrated gear solutions.

RT Communications Monitors In-House with the NetGuardian and IAM
RT Communications has been providing customers with state-of-the-art telecommunications services and products since 1994. Based in Worland, Wyoming, the company maintains a subscriber base of 17,000 in 16 exchanges.

Texas Lone Star Networks Provides Its Member Telcos with 24/7 Monitoring Using T/MonXM
Based in Marble Falls, Texas, TLSN (Texas Lone Star Network) represents a consortium of 38 independent telephone companies and provides transport service for private networks, local carriers, long distance carriers, CLEC providers and Internet providers throughout the greater Texas area.

EATEL Uses IAM for 24-Hour Targeted Dispatch
Headquartered in Gonzales, Louisiana, EATEL provides local phone service, long distance, Internet, paging, e-commerce, and web development services to businesses and residents throughout the Louisiana area.

Pac-West Telecom Uses Dual IAMs for Redundant Backup Alarm Management
Headquartered in Stockton, California, Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. (NASDAQ: PACW) is a provider of integrated communications services throughout the western U.S. Pac-West supplies Internet infrastructure and broadband services to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and integrated voice, data and Internet services to small and medium-sized businesses.

Sprint PCS Monitors Cell Sites with Tornado-Safe Backup System
This interview was held with Steve Smith of Sprint PCS. DPS' Director of Technical Sales Eric Storm conducted the interview.

UAC Uses the IAM to Save Dispatch Time and Money
Founded in early 1997, UAC is a leading company focused on offering U.S. companies a unique way to contract for maintenance services for telecommunications, data networking, fax and copier gear.

Pathnet Distributes Alarm Data to Its Collocation Tenants with the IADS
Pathnet is a wholesale telecommunications service provider that delivers broadband access and transport solutions to under served markets nationwide over a wholly convergent network.

Cypress Communications has Largest Deployment of NetGuardians
With headquarters located in Atlanta GA, Cypress Communications offers total, single source, communication solutions. Their advanced network is distributed throughout the US in over 150 locations providing local and long distance services, Internet access, digital television, voice mail and many other advanced broadband communication services.

CapRock Communications' Alarm Distribution Needs Create the Alarm Distribution Shelf
Through the years, DPS has had a very successful relationship in working with CapRock Communications, a southwestern U.S. integrated communications provider (ICP) that offers local, long-distance, Internet, data and private line services to business customers via its 7,500-mile fiber network throughout Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona.

VoIP Vendor PointOne Helps Develop the NetGuardian
PointOne Telecommunications Inc., headquartered in Austin, Texas, has established a position at the forefront of a converging communications industry. They provide voice and data communications (Voice over IP) to the wholesale market and mid-range enterprise customers.

Frontier Communications Manages Alarms Graphically with T/Mon and T/GrafX
Frontier Communications of Burnsville, MN finds that their changeover to T/Mon and T/GrafX has really improved their alarm monitoring.

Qwest Escapes Vendor Lockout by Using Four IAMs to Poll Pulsecom Dataloks
Qwest's Dallas Network Operations Center (NOC) employs four IAMs running T/MonXM software to poll fault alarm data from its network.

GTE Mediates TL1, DCPF and Teltrac Data to SNMP with the IAM
Rob Walsman of GTE Telecom, Inc. had a dilemma. As OSS manager in Indianapolis, he was challenged to port all his network management data to a facility in Dallas, reporting to an SNMP manager. The problem was his alarm sources consisted of a variety of protocols, including TL1, DCPF and Teltrac.


BNSF Railway Upgrades its Network Monitoring to Meet the Demands of a Growing Network
Managing a 21st century railroad means moving data as well as moving freight, and The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company (BNSF) has steadily increased its shipping efficiency by continually modernizing its communications network.

New York City Transit Launches $141 Million ATM/SONET Network for the 21st Century
Carrying over 4 million passengers on an average weekday, the subway system places huge demands on its internal signal, control, and communications network - which, like the trains, must run 24 hours a day, every day of the year.


Energy Northwest Goes Proactive with Upgraded Monitoring
Energy Northwest has been a leading power supplier to the Northwest public power community for nearly fifty years. They recently found themselves with a shortage of trained T/Mon staff at their nuclear power plant. Energy Northwest needed a fast and effective way to train their staff, and they found it. Learn how comprehensive Factory Training made the difference for this public utility.

Central Lincoln PUD Extends Network Visibility with the NetGuardian
With a coverage area of over 700 square miles along the Oregon coastline, Central Lincoln is using the NetGuardian to gain even more visibility at remote locations without having to do complete overhauls of their existing gear. "The NetGuardian still has the tie back to the older way of doing things, so with our other gear we could connect straight into it without having to switch it out" says Dennis Woodward, Communications Foreman, Central Lincoln PUD.

Dominion Combines Three Systems Into One
Nine months ago, Dominion had a problem. The Virginia-based energy giant operates an extensive internal communications network, and it was monitored by several different systems.


San Juan County of New Mexico Comes Full-Circle and Completes Legacy Migration
In 1999 San Juan out grew their existing network alarm master and immediately benefited from the deployment of the T/Mon Alarm Management Platform. Over subsequent years they have been proactive with their network surveillance both in the field and at their NOC. Charles Rash, San Juan County Communications Technician provides first hand insight on the migration process. Also learn through their selection process of alarm remotes how they were able to improve visibility at their sites and gained new alarm telemetry at previously unreachable locations.

Would You Trust Your Life to Your Alarm Monitoring?
What kind of monitoring would you trust to keep 911 and police emergency communication running? For over 10 years,EFI provider Mid-State C&E has sold its public safety clients the T/Mon Remote Alarm Monitoring System and other DPS Telecom telemetry solutions.

San Juan County, N.M., Adds Legacy Support, Paging and Alarm History Recording with T/MonXM
San Juan County of New Mexico was monitoring their microwave network's status with an embedded system that used a Badger Mini-master to provided a hard copy print-out in their 911 call center ...


Chronos Teaches Senior Managers: You Must Budget to Improve Infrastructure
Chronos Technology, Ltd., the UK's leading provider of turnkey network synchronization tools, uses client education to overcome senior managers' resistance to investing in network infrastructure.

Volt Telecom Group
EFI is only part of what the Volt Telecom Group does - they also offer a full spectrum of services in engineering, construction, maintenance, and staffing to a world-wide client base.

Orius Central Office Service Group
The Orius Central Office Group provides EFI and other value-added services to a prestigious list of telecoms, utilities, and government agencies.