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Affordable Upgrades for Aging Alarm Monitoring Systems

Why You Need Help With Your Legacy Support Project

Implementing a new network alarm monitoring system can seem deceptively easy - you just look on the Web, find a few vendors, compare a few features, add some configuration and you're done, right?

The truth is, developing a network monitoring system on your own is one of the riskiest things you can do. Here are some of the typical problems you might face if you don't get expert advice when you're designing your system:

  1. Implementation time is drawn out: It's going to take longer than you think. Network monitoring is a highly technical subject, and you have a lot to learn if you want a successful implementation. And anytime you are trying to do something you've never done before, you are bound to make mistakes - mistakes that extend your time and your budget beyond their limits.
  2. Resources are misused: If you're not fully informed about your options for mediating legacy protocols, you may replace equipment that could have been integrated into your new system. Rushing into a systemwide replacement when you could have integrated can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  3. Opportunities are missed: If you install a new network monitoring system today, you're committing your company to that system for as long as 8 to 10 years. Many telecoms design what they think is a state-of-the-art monitoring system - and then find that their technology is actually a generation behind.
Download this White Paper Now

How You Can Migrate from Your Dead-End 1980s Equipment to 21st Century Telemetry Without Spending a Fortune

Are you monitoring your 21st century network with 1980s technology? Think you can't upgrade without spending a fortune on a forklift swapout?

These case studies will show you how other companies upgraded their legacy alarm monitoring systems, and how you can affordably upgrade your monitoring too.

This white paper will show you a way out of the legacy trap - a controlled migration strategy for replacing unsupported alarm monitoring equipment.


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So are you caught between a rock and a hard place?

Don't throw out your old remotes
Throwing away your legacy
remotes is throwing away
money. SNMP-legacy
integration gives you a
budget-saving alternative.

It seems like if you have a legacy monitoring system, you're stuck between several unpleasant alternatives. You can't afford a forklift swapout - you can't stay frozen in dead-end old technology - and you can't just wait for a complete system failure to force you into a forklift swapout.

What can be done?
What would a solution to the legacy problem look like?

  1. It must immediately provide a technically stable platform that eliminates the danger of a sudden breakdown.
  2. It must preserve the existing investment in legacy remote telemetry units.
  3. It must not require a large immediate costs.
  4. It must be a permanent solution to legacy problems-that is, it must be a modern system that supports open-ended developing, including adding new functionality and new remote telemetry units, and it must be backed by a stable vendor who can commit to long-term support. There is no point to leaving one dead-end legacy system for another.

The Way Out of the Legacy Trap

The Controlled Migration Solution

DPS Telecom has created a legacy support solution that addresses all four needs for a total solution to your legacy problem. The DPS solution gives you controlled migration option, so you can gradually move from your existing legacy system to a fully modern network alarm management system.

The solution consists of two steps: 1) replacing the existing legacy master with a T/Mon NOC Remote Alarm Monitoring System and 2) controlled migration from legacy remotes to modern DPS Telecom remotes.

Controlled Migration
T/Mon NOC NetGuardian 832A T/Mon NOC NetGuardian 832A Upgrading is as easy as 1,2,3: Controlled migration path with T/Mon NOC.

Replacing the master is an essential first step. The master station is the weakest point of any legacy network monitoring system. If it dies, the entire system is gone.

T/Mon NOC is a practical replacement for the legacy master because it can support the client's currently installed legacy remotes. You can get an immediate solution to your most pressing problem - reliability and aging technology - by buying only one unit. The existing legacy remote telemetry units can be maintained in place until the end of their operational life.

Replacing just the master is 7 to 10 times cheaper than a forklift swapout of the entire system

T/Mon is designed to support many different types of devices, regardless of protocol or manufacturer. Because of its modular software design, support for new types of equipment is easily added.

Currently, T/Mon supports remotes from Larse, Badger, NEC, Dantel, Pulsecom, and Granger. If you need support for another system, a new custom solution can be designed quickly and at no extra cost.

T/Mon is a fully modern, fully supported system with advanced features like after-hours monitoring, automatic notification, and automatic correction of alarm conditions. You can use these features with your existing remote telemetry units. With one step, you can immediately bring your existing system up to modern standards.

Once T/Mon is in place, you can then gradually replace their legacy remote telemetry units with modern DPS Telecom remotes in a strategy of controlled migration.

Controlled migration puts you, not the vendor, in charge of the pace of migration. You control the cost and scheduling of new equipment purchases; the cost of installation transport and manpower; the sequence of network changeover and its impact on network visibility.

Controlled migration also creates two key financial benefits:

  1. Migration can take place over several budget cycles, minimizing the impact on capital expenditure and operational budgets.
  2. You can buy new equipment strictly as your installation capacity permits, creating an immediate return on investment for every equipment purchase.

Alarm Monitoring Solutions from DPS Telecom

Alarm Monitoring Masters

Alarm master stations are the core of your remote monitoring. They collect alarms from RTUs and your revenue-generating equipment, then present it all on a single screen. There's almost no choice you'll make about your remote monitoring that's more important than your choice of alarm master.


T/Mon LNX: Multiprotocol, multifunction single-platform solution for all remote alarm monitoring uses.

Remote Telemetry Units

Your RTUs form the "front line" of your network monitoring. You'll install one at every remote site where you want 7x24 situational awareness. You need to choose RTUs with sufficient capacity to cover all of your equipment alarms, sensors, and any protocols processed locally (ex. serial Modbus from your generator controller). Here are some examples to get you started:

NetGuardian 832A

NetGuardian 832A: RTU monitors 32 alarm points, 8 analog inputs, 8 control relays, 32 ping targets, 8 terminal server ports; reports in SNMP.

NetGuardian 216

NetGuardian 216: RTU monitors 16 alarm points, 2 analog inputs, 2 control relays, 1 terminal server port; reports in SNMP.

NetGuardian 480

NetGuardian 480: RTU monitors 80 alarm points, 4 control relays; reports in SNMP.

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