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Live Web Demo: How to Save Time, Resources and Money with T/Mon

Ron Stover, DPS Telecom's Director of Sales
Ron Stover
DPS Telecom
Director of Sales

Evaluating network equipment vendors is not fun.

Searching for the vendor who can actually solve your problem, ferreting out information on the Internet, wading through spec sheets - nobody does this stuff for the thrill of it. You only go to this much trouble to solve problems that affect critical business operations. Anything that can help you find a solution faster will actually add value to your business.

To help you get to the right alarm monitoring solution for you - and to get to that solution as quickly as possible - DPS Telecom offers live Web demonstrations of T/Mon LNX, T/Mon SLIM, NetGuardian RTUs and other DPS alarm monitoring solutions.

A DPS live Web demo is the quickest and most effective way to get fast answers to your alarm monitoring questions. You'll get unbiased information about what criteria you should use to evaluate any alarm system from any vendor. You'll quickly see the advantages and benefits you can get from DPS equipment. You're free to ask any questions you need, and you'll get immediate, straightforward answers.

A DPS Web demo is also your chance to bring senior managers and stakeholders to the table early, speeding up your getting approval for the network alarm monitoring equipment you need.

A consultation process that puts you in charge

The live Web demo is just part of DPS Telecom's overall design consultation process, which is dedicated to putting your needs first. Ron Stover, DPS Telecom's Director of Sales, says that his primary goal is to make sure that you have the right alarm monitoring solution to meet your needs - and if that means a smaller sale, that's OK with us.

"A lot of the time we propose solutions that have a smaller sales volume if it's the right solution for the client," said Ron.

"That goes back to the DPS philosophy of creating complete client satisfaction. We customize our solutions to make it the right fit without the client having to buy a lot of extraneous hardware and software. We want to make sure you have an alarm system that will meet your current needs, and will also support your network for years to come.

"The bottom line is, if you're not 100% happy with the solution we've provided, we've done something wrong. My personal promise is that when you order from DPS, you'll get the exact solution you're looking for, or you'll get your money back," said Ron.

Listening to you and speaking clearly to your needs

DPS's design consultancy process works because there's full communication between DPS and its clients, said Ron.

"Our first commitment is to listen. We don't rush the client, we don't recommend solutions until we have a good understanding of the client's requirements and ultimate goal," said Ron.

The other side of the consultation is DPS Telecom communicating fully and honestly with the client. "For any business, a network alarm monitoring system is a major investment, said Ron. "We don't expect you to take anything just on our say-so. For every solution we propose, we explain how it's going to take you from where to are right now to your desired result, and we detail the nuts and bolts of how it's going to work in your network."

Presenting full information, quickly and conveniently

The DPS live Web demo simplifies communication by providing information that would take days to collect on your own in just half an hour. Instead of your having to sift through all of DPS Telecom's product literature and website, a DPS Sales Engineer can quickly determine what DPS equipment might be right for you and prepare a custom demonstration.

Using a shared Web browser connection and a conference call, Ron can explain the essentials of a proposed solution to you and any number of your coworkers simultaneously. The Web demo has all the advantages of a personal site visit, without the inconvenience or using up too much of your time.

"Essentially, we've condensed a presentation that would take three hours in person into just 46 very high impact slides, in a presentation that takes just 29 minutes," said Ron.

The Web demo is a convenient, no-pressure way for the client to get a very personalized demonstration of the proposed alarm monitoring solution that covers both the broad application and the fine technical details.

Live Web demo advantages

Ron said there are many advantages to using the Live Web demo system:

  • It's always available: "We don't have to come out to you, and you don't have to come to us. We can set up a presentation in the time it takes to make a conference call."
  • It saves time: "In just half an hour, you can learn most of what you need to know to make an informed decision about network monitoring."
  • You can get all your questions answered: "It's a completely interactive conference - you can ask any questions you want, and we'll answer them. We'll even bring engineers into the conversation if you want to go in-depth."
  • It's a great way of sharing information with your coworkers and senior management: "If you're going to get the higher-ups to agree to commit a portion of the budget, you need to be able to answer all their questions. With a Web demo, everybody involved in the evaluation can see what the solution is and immediately get the information they need to know."

Products covered in the live Web demo

Live Web demos usually focus on DPS Telecom's flagship products: T/Mon LNX, T/Mon SLIM and the NetGuardian family of remotes. But if you need specialized alarm units, protocol mediation or custom engineering, those topics can be covered in a live Web demo as well.

The Web demo focuses on each product's core benefits and how they relate to your business:

T/Mon LNX Remote Alarm Monitoring System

T/Mon LNX Master Station
  • Full-featured, high-powered alarm monitoring system that can cover up to 1 million alarm points
  • Support for over 25 standard, proprietary, and legacy protocols, including SNMP, TL1 and ASCII, providing an integrated telemetry platform for network managers to monitor every device in their networks from one screen.
  • Pager and email alarm notification, enabling any company to support 24/7 alarm monitoring.
  • Web browser interface
  • Detailed alarm notifications giving specific instructions for correcting network alarms.
  • Automated alarm sorting and filtering.
  • User-defined custom alarms integrating multiple alarm inputs, date/time factors and alarm correction by automatic remote control.
  • Integrated facility access control.

T/Mon SLIM Remote Alarm Monitoring System

T/Mon SLIM Master Station
  • Complete 1RU alarm system for monitoring small, local and regional networks
  • Monitor telecom switches; fiber optic equipment; SONET; microwave radios; servers; multiplexers; SNMP, TL1 and ASCII equipment; DPS Telecom remote telemetry units; remotes from Badger, Dantel, Larse, NEC and Pulsecom; and many other network devices.
  • Monitor up to 64 individual network devices
  • Monitor 7,500 alarm points
  • Consolidate alarms from several sites, all different equipment types and multiple protocols to a single local/regional network view
  • Pager and email alarm notification
  • Web browser interface
  • Filter and forward alarms to a T/Mon LNX unit or SNMP manager at a central NOC

NetGuardian 832A Remote Telemetry Unit

NetGuardian 832A G5
  • Mediate 32 discrete inputs, 32 ping alarms, and 8 analog alarms to SNMP traps.
  • Report alarms to multiple SNMP managers or T/Mon LNX
  • Supports LAN or dial-up transport - immediately implement SNMP monitoring without LAN or use dial-up as a backup path in case of LAN failure.
  • Monitor legacy telephony gear, battery plants, generators, security locks, temperature sensors, and all your other remote site equipment.
  • Expand your monitoring capacity up to 176 discrete inputs with the NetGuardian Expansion Unit.
  • 4-threshold analog monitoring (Major Over, Minor Over, Minor Under and Major Under).
  • Control site equipment with 8 control relays.
  • Control switches, routers, PBXs and other telecom gear through the NetGuardian's 8 terminal server reach-through ports.
  • Integrated Web Browser interface for stand-alone alarm monitoring.
  • Email and pager alerts for 24/7 alarm monitoring without a master.
  • Live streaming video surveillance of remote sites with the NetGuardian SiteCAM.

Do you want to test our products with a free live web demo? Then, reach out to us! Remember: There's no obligation to buy - no high-pressure salesman - just useful information on you can start solving your toughest monitoring problems.