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DPS Telecom Blog

How To Monitor Your Power Supply and HVAC By Escalating Alarm Notifications

I recently went to a routine site visit to one of my clients. I was giving them a presentation about a previous installment that we've done at an overseas company. I remembered our initial interactions during our conversation, and I thought it would be helpful for me to demonstrate the applied configuration for you.

Ziad Alezabi
January 26, 2024

Steps To Building The Perfect Alarm Monitoring Headend Unit For You

Building the perfect Master Alarm Monitoring station should be a careful process. Take everything into consideration, like how efficient your head-end unit is and how well can it integrate all of your security operations. The head-end alarm monitoring

Ziad Alezabi
January 18, 2024

What is the Future of SNMP Alarm Monitoring?

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a widely used network protocol that facilitates the monitoring and managing of network devices. One of SNMP's most useful features is its ability to generate alarms to inform network administrators of potential

Andrew Erickson
January 16, 2024

Craft A Winning Proposal With Your Telecom Alarm Monitoring Manufacturer

I recently spoke with a client that almost did business with us a while ago but his bid did not win the project he wished to work on. He reached out to me recently looking to start up talks about a NetGuardian 832 for a current project of his in Alaska.

Ziad Alezabi
January 11, 2024

How To Use Remote-Monitoring RTUs To Smooth Your Technology Migrations

A client working at a wholesale power supplier company contacted me. His company had been using basic embedded alarm monitoring at remote sites that did not give them anywhere near enough visibility. Find out how we worked together to migrate his system by utilizing RTUs

Ziad Alezabi
January 8, 2024

When is the NetGuardian G6 832A the right solution for remote site monitoring?

RTUs are used across a wide spectrum of industries, each with its distinct monitoring and control needs. Site sizes also vary widely, even within the same company or agency. Learn about when you should choose the 832A model of the NetGuardian for certain remote site sizes.

Andrew Erickson
January 7, 2024

How The Right Alarm Monitoring System Manufacturer Can Integrate Your Legacy Equipment With Modern Equipment

Do you have legacy equipment such as RTUs in your alarm system? If so, you are not alone. You might be surprised to learn that most major organizations still incorporate legacy devices in their systems. As new technology rolls out the required equipment

Ziad Alezabi
January 3, 2024

Ensuring Your Establishment's Security With VoIP

Voice over IP (VoIP) protocol allows for clear communication. A VoIP OrderWire system transmits voice signals over the internet. These systems can serve you in many different situations including telecommunicating with your workers and broadcasting voice

Ziad Alezabi
December 22, 2023

Pick The Right Access Control System For Your Building Sites

When your business expands to multiple facilities, you must keep an eye on the security of each building. You can achieve this with a building access system (BAS), also known as an access control system. Access systems ensure that only authorized people

Ziad Alezabi
December 22, 2023

Enhance Metro Facility Security Measures with Remote Monitoring and Custom Equipment

I recently reached out to a potential client. He's a construction administrator at a major US metro organization. He wanted my help with monitoring and custom equipment for security at the metro facility.

Ziad Alezabi
December 13, 2023

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