Network Alarm Monitoring Products

Network alarm monitoring refers to the use of a system that monitors a network 24/7. It checks for slow or failing parts and is capable of notifying someone of an issue. This type of monitoring system is commonly used by those in the telco, utilities, medical, transit and other industries.

DPS Telecom Tmon Products
A multiprotocol, multifunction network alarm manager designed as a single-platform solution for all alarm monitoring applications.
DPS Telecom RTU products
Devices that remotely monitor critical network equipment and conditions to provide better visibility over your entire network.
DPS Telecom Sensors
Monitor your remote sites with these discrete and analog sensors using industry-standard 0-5VDC or 4-20mA interfaces.
DPS Telecom BAS
Comprehensive access control system that integrates into an existing alarm management platform.
DPS Telecom PDUs
Power strips that enable you to have remote control over the power to your equipment.
DPS Telecom HVAC Controller
Cost-effective solution to monitor and control your HVAC units.
DPS Telecom VoIP Orderwire
Deploy free voice communication at all your LAN sites across your network.
DPS Telecom Accessories
Find accessories that deliver custom voice alerts, show you who is on-site, and test your equipment.

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We manufacture hundreds of product variations per year that are customized to our clients' exact spec, all while providing the best tech support and training.